Bach Bibliography
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Author : Kanazawa, Masakata
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Kanazawa, MasakataKirisutokyo Ongaku no Rekishi: Shodai Kyokai kara J. S. Bach made. [A history of Christian music: From the early churches to J.S. Bach.] - Tokyo: Nihon Kirisuto Kyodan Shuppankyoku, 2005. 400p. ISBN: 4-8184-0550-7. 2005 400p
2. Kanazawa, MasakataJohann Sebastian Bach to Watashi. [Johann Sebastian Bach and I] BachZenshu 2 Apr 1997 86-95
3. Kanazawa, MasakataJ. S. Bach 7-Ban Shobu. Bach vs. Vivaldi. [J. S. Bach 7 matches. Bach vs. Vivaldi] [ce]Daremoiwanakatta 2000 126-145
4. Kanazawa, MasakataJ. S. Bach 7-Ban Shobu. J. S. Bach vs. J. S. Bach (botsugo) [J. S. Bach 7 matches. J. S. Bach vs. J. S. Bach (posthumous)] [ce]Daremoiwanakatta 2000 196-207
5. Kanazawa, Masakata (ed.)Dare mo iwanakatta 'Dai-Ensoka Bach' Kanshoho. Tokyo: Kodansha, 2000. 334p. [Appreciation methods that no one mentioned] [ce]Daremoiwanakatta 2000 334p
6. Kanazawa, MasakataJunankyoku to Watashi. [Passion and I.] ReihaiToOngaku 132 Winter 2007

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BachBib Search Engine 1ctp Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita